Strategic planning involves asking a series of important questions, collecting the right data needed to answer them and making tough choices among good alternatives. This paper addresses the questions typically asked over the course of strategic planning. The list is not exhaustive. Every company has a number of questions unique to it as an organization and especially important to where it is in the corporate life cycle. The questions below are listed merely to stimulate your own thinking about the business questions relevant for your company.
Note that for a number of questions we added a secondary question: “How do we know that?” The challenge in answering the strategic questions for any company is to get past the tendency of “I think.” “I think the answer is this” is a weak substitute for a data-based conclusion coming out of a bit of consumer or market research. “How do we know that?” ought to be the follow-up question for every question on the list below.
Product/Service – Customer Value Proposition
Going Forward
Again, the above questions are designed to merely to stimulate your own thinking regarding the specific questions confronting your own organization. Feel free to adapt, edit to the extent that they help you address your most pressing business issue. The strategy consultants at Triaxia stand ready to assist you in any way.