Discovering and Leveraging the Social Work Styles of Your Team
The Personal DISCernment® is an assessment tool that builds on the DISC theory pioneered in the 1920s and 30s by Dr. William Marston, of Columbia University. Marston conducted extensive research on personality types, eventually identifying four elements of behavior that are present to some degree in all people’s basic temperaments. Dr. Marston’s insights have endured for over 80 years, proving their effectiveness again and again in real-world trials.
Determining strengths and weaknesses is as effortless as completing a short diagnostic. Decades of refinement have made the assessment this easy-yet the insights it provides are extraordinarily deep.
Four basic elements blend to create a variety of personality types.
When you learn which one or two of the four elements predominate in your personality, and how all four contribute to your style, you acquire a useful, specific picture of what makes you unique.
We took an idea that works and made it work even harder.
We recognized the power of the DISC system-but we also thought that we could make it even more valuable. Our Personal DISCernment® Inventory adds new insights, increasing the level of detail, and most of all, by providing clear implementation methods that lead to practical business results.
For your convenience the PDI is available in paper format or online at Whichever version you choose, we feel confident that you will recognize the power of the Personal DISCernment® Inventory.