Meet the Organizational Profile
The Organizational Profile provides a customized, efficient, and cost-effective method to measure and evaluate the climate in your organization. Candid, confidential, firsthand feedback from your team members can be used to:
Comprehensive Reporting
The Organizational Profile Survey is tailored to address the specific needs (issues, topics, questions, etc.) of your organization.
The results are presented in a comprehensive report book is that is formatted and organized to help your management quickly interpret the results and develop effective action plans for change and improvement.
Creative and informative charts and tables allow a large amount of data to be compressed into organized, actionable sections.
The information is presented in a manner that allows you to “drill down” into increasingly more detailed data representing the responses from participating employees. Figure 1 shows an overview of the ratings for each major topic categories addressed in the Profile. Depending on the needs of your organization, such categories might include topics like:
Tailored to Fit
Clients can tailor the number of nature and number of categories they would like addressed in their Profile. The Profile Report is able to integrate the results from previous Profiles in order to track trends, highlighting either progress or regression.
Organized for Depth and Clarity
The report book can report results against client specific demographics (e.g., tenure, gender, location, function, organizational unit, etc.) for a deeper analysis and insight. Triaxia’s Organizational Profile facilitates your interpretation of the results by presorting the information and organizing it by organizational factor across key functions or locations.
Web-based, Global, Multiple Languages
Triaxia Organizational Profile is delivered to participants via a secure password protected web application that allows global access. We have administered this Profile around the world in many languages and often, at client request, consolidate a multiple language survey into a single English language report of the results.