A mid-sized financial products firm asked Triaxia Partners to help design and jump start its corporate leadership development strategy. The assignment included a number of different elements:
A particularly interesting part of this engagement was the design and facilitation of a multi-day offsite meeting for the top 50 executives to introduce them to the program and give them a vision for its importance. One aspect of our design included sending teams of these executives to visit with organizations known for great leadership development practices. Their mission was to identify the principles, processes, and business benefits these companies experienced and to present their findings to the larger group at the offsite.
Triaxia has supported this initiative for more than five years by providing the “back room” support for the client company’s 360° assessments as well as ongoing counsel regarding individual development strategies for key executives.
A top-25 graduate school of business of a large university retained Triaxia Partners to design the leadership competencies the school would use in its executive MBA program and executive training courses. These competencies were used in a specially designed 360° feedback instrument that formed an integral part of the week long leadership course. Triaxia administered the instrument for the course using our proprietary web-based delivery system providing the finished individual reports electronically to the school in PDF format.
Our alliance with the school has been so successful that the institution has taken its version of the Triaxia PaceSetter 360° out to its client organizations as the business school expands the reach of its leadership training offerings into the business community through this region of the U.S.
A large mid-western retailer wanted to implement an on-the-job coaching strategy that would equip line executives to coach their managers more effectively from a developmental perspective. Working with the leadership team, Triaxia Partners developed a tailored set of leadership success factors that could be assessed via a 360° instrument.
Triaxia developed coaching training specifically tailored to the organization and trained a cadre of in-house trainers that took it throughout the organization. Triaxia continues to support this coaching initiative, providing the technical and administrative support needed to administer several hundred 360° instruments annually.
A large global Japanese manufacturing firm needed a comprehensive and tailored training initiative to build the leadership skills for its high potential mid-level executives. Triaxia Partners was retained to design and deliver the curriculum reflecting the leadership skills and competencies important to the organization and to manage the on-going leadership institute. To complete the course, participants attend a series of three to five day sessions spread over several years. Course content includes a wide spectrum of topics addressing the principles, practices, and skills needed for organizational leadership. The curriculum incorporates lecture, organization-specific cases studies, exercises, assessments and diagnostics, and a lot of networking as these executives establish relationships with colleagues that will span more than 60 countries.
Triaxia Partners assisted the CEO and board of a national retail leader in evaluating the top executive tiers for leadership potential in regards to long term CEO succession as well as bench strength needed to achieve their strategic aspirations. Triaxia worked with the CEO to identify and define the leadership competencies necessary for success in this organization. These competencies were used in a comprehensive assessment of 35 executives using a tailored 360 instrument and in-depth interviews. Using assessment results, an individual development strategy was developed and implemented for each executive emphasizing special assignments important to the strategic plan.
An important outcome of this assignment was the “institutionalization” of a comprehensive leadership succession and development strategy that penetrates further down the organizational ranks and is well connected to the leadership demands of the company’s strategic plan.
A direct report to the COO of a large, privately owned real estate investment firm was considered a critical team member because of her ongoing ability to save the firm millions of dollars annually through her keen insights and decision-making ability. The significant downside, however, was her seeming inability to build a team and retain and grow key talent. The executive team along with Human Resources initiated an intensive coaching engagement with Triaxia Partners to create breakthrough in this arena. A team approach that included senior HR leaders, the supervisor and two direct reports lead to both leadership style, department structure, and staff member changes that significantly improved overall function. The self awareness and self management skills of this executive significantly improved morale in this department, which is has proven to be sustained over time.
A national insurance corporation identified two high potential candidates for key executive positions as a result of their succession-planning processes. Both showed tremendous promise, but each also had differing competency gaps that could derail them in the future. Each was provided with a Triaxia Partners coach to close these gaps over time. The combination of highly supportive and involved company leaders, a series of rigorous, sharply focused coaching sessions, and motivated, committed candidates resulted in successful promotions of both candidates, and a significant win for the corporation.
Recognized by Inc. Magazine in 2010 as one of the fastest growing privately held companies, this firm looked to Triaxia Partners, Inc. to design methodology that could identify and accelerate the growth of their high potential leaders in order to meet this pace of growth. The system-wide approach included conducting a thorough culture audit for essential success factors, implementing an enhanced pay for performance system with high accountability, and providing a series of company-wide workshops to increase and align knowledge and competencies in this area. At the same time, a cross-divisional employee task force led by a Triaxia consultant designed various high potential processes, tools and learning interventions based on solid benchmarking and research. The executive team was delighted with the rapid design and successful implementation of this initiative, which has been a key lever in their continued growth.