The Personal DISCernment Inventory™ is the basic instrument in the DISC Profile System™, and offers an opportunity for you to identify your unique temperament. It not only provides a detailed description of your particular behavioral style, but also assists you in developing a comprehensive list of both strengths and weaknesses that help or hinder your effectiveness in various settings.
The PDI™ is available in paper and online in English and Spanish. For those where English is the secondary language, we have PDI™ wordsets available in French, German, and Japanese. Contact our offices for more information.
The DISC Profile System™ includes a series of application reports that will guide you in applying the insights from your DISC profile to specific situations. Your profile will be securely saved, allowing you to return to the site and purchase application reports at a later time. These reports provide additional information about each behavioral style as it relates to a specific area and suggest how you can immediately apply this information to yourself and others. Five application reports are available. Click on a title below to read more about that report.